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differential calculus 【數學】微分。

differential diagnosis

For example , in the seventeenth century - the period of foundation of differential calculus , newton , who is one of founders of differential calculus , produced a new mathematical tool ( now we call it newton iterative method ) for solving the nonlinear equation ; halley also raised an iterative method ( now we call it halley iteration ) for the problem ; hi the eighteenth century - - the period of vigorous development of differential calculus , the partial sum of euler series and lagrange series formed two iterative families , which included a lot of iterative members 在創立微積分的十七世紀, newton和halley分別發明了用這種新的數學工具解方程的、現在普遍以他們的名字命名的迭代法;在微積分技巧蓬勃發展的十八世紀, euler和lagrange級數的部分和可以形成成員眾多的迭代族;在開始注重分析嚴密性的十九世紀, cauchy建立了優級數技巧,這個技巧不斷地被以后的事實證明對于研究方程近似解序列的收斂性是卓有成效的。

To keep your brain young and supple , you can purchase software like merzenich ' s , or you can do one of a million new activities that challenge and excite you : playing ping - pong or contract bridge , doing jigsaw puzzles , learning a new language or the tango , taking accordion lessons , building a kit airplane , mastering bonsai technique , discovering the subtleties of beer - brewing and , sure , relearning differential calculus 要保持大腦處于年輕和靈活狀態,你可以購買梅策尼希的這種軟件,或者你可以在一百萬件帶來挑戰和刺激的新活動中做一件:打乒乓球,玩橋牌,拼圖,學一門外語,或者是跳探戈舞,參加手風琴課程,玩具飛機,盆景,發現釀造啤酒中的細節,當然還有重新學習微積分。

And the law gained from differential calculus is coincident well with the calculated result . grounded upon the research on the sootblower operation , the effect on all kinds of boiler performance of ash fouling on heating surface is analyzed roundly . and the sootblowing income is divided into five categories 在現有吹灰器研究和運行水平的基礎上,全面分析電站鍋爐各部位受熱面灰污對鍋爐各方面性能的影響,將電站鍋爐吹灰的收益和成本各歸納為五類,得出不同受熱面吹灰的收益和成本不盡相同的結論。

The hair ' s main composition is an amino acids , amino acids to can suffer the outside to affect in the factor and run off , and also can is influence by the internal factors with the chemicals ' s damage such as the weather season , if the body mainutrition , hair lack the vitality with the flexibility , therefore want to with regularity add the amino acids , it the contain to permeate the differential calculus son to can quickly permeate the hair the consolidation repair and maintenance for , becoming bing arrived by outside inside of deep place the amino acids composition , and make the hair shining brilliance , movement contain flexibility every moment 頭發的主要成份是氨基酸,氨基酸會受外有因素影響而流失,如氣候季節和化學品的損害,也會受內在因素的影響,如身體營養不良,頭發缺乏活力和彈性,所以要定期地補充氨基酸,本品特含滲透微分子能迅速將氨基酸成份滲透頭發深處,形成由外到內的鞏固修護,使頭發時刻煥發光彩,動感有彈性。

The mainly objective includes two parts : one is to develop the mathematical m odel t o study t he flow m echanism o f 1 iquid i n t he b ed of tbr , and the other is to study the technology and device to distribute the liquid uniformly . in the first part , some theoretical models were established to simulate the distribution of flow rate of liquid , such as discrete model , differential calculus model and stochastic model . but these models are difficult to calculate or ca n ' t lead to good results 在理論模型方面,前人提出了離散模型、微分模型和隨機模型等來模擬液體的徑向和軸向流率分布,但仍然存在許多問題,往往計算工作量大且常偏離實際情況,本文作者在導師的指導下,參照前人的研究成果,在滴流床的流率分布中采用了狀態離散、時間離散的markov過程描述了滴流床的流率分布,結果與實驗值吻合較好。

The branch of mathematics known as integral and differential calculus serves as a natural and powerful tool for attacking a variety of problems that arise in physics , astronomy , engineering , chemistry , geology , biology , and other fields including , rather recently , some of the social sciences 以微積分而著稱的這一數學分支,作為一個自然的強有力的工具解決物理、文、工程、化學、天地質、生物以及包括較為近期的某些社會科學等領域出現的各種問題。

Abstract : with differential calculus and principles of precision analysis a mathematics formula on spring being out of shape error and relative factors error is derived , and given a simple method of dynamometric spring precision design 文摘:應用全微分方法及精度分析原理,推導出彈簧變形誤差與各相關因素誤差之間的數學表達式,提供了一種測力彈簧精度設計的簡便方法。

Considering the overtaking flow , this paper built the continuum equation of mixed traffic flow , set up the kinematics differential equation by means of differential calculus 摘要引入超車換道流量,建立了混合交通流的連續性方程;通過對交通流參數的微分變換,建立了混合交通流的運動微分方程。

According to different features of conclusion about middle value questions in differential calculus , four kinds of methods about the auxiliary function structures will be concluded 針對微分中值問題的結論的不同特征,本文歸納出了輔助函數的四種構造方法。

The structure method of auxiliary function is very important in solving questions about middle value theorem in differential calculus 摘要構造輔助函數法是解決有關微分中值問題的一種重要數學方法。

Based on differential calculus of parameters ' the method of the establishing traffic kinematics model is proposed 提出了基于參數變換的運動學建模方法和步驟。

One method of demonstrating mean value theo rem for differential calculus and its application 一種證明微分中值定理的方法及其應用

Discussion on losing the solution of the square distance of the rank differential calculus 對于一階齊次微分方程遺失解的討論

Construct function by mid - value theorem of differential calculus 由微分中值定理構造函數

On the application of regression in differential calculus 化歸在微積分學中的應用